Comparison with Vector
map.put (key, value)
map[key] = value;
: this alternate syntax will create a key with the default value in the map if it did not already exist.
m.put(key, value) |
m[key] = value |
O(log N) | Inserts the key-value pair if the key does not already exist; else (if key already exists), overwrites |
m[key] = value |
m[key] = value |
O(log N) | Inserts the key-value pair if the key does not already exist; else (if key already exists), overwrites |
m.get(key) | |
O(log N) | If key already exists, returns the corresponding value; raises exception if key was not present. |
m[key] |
m[key] |
O(log N) | If key already exists, returns the corresponding value; if key was not present, adds a default value for the key to m and returns it. |
m.remove(key) |
m.erase(key) |
O(log N) | If key exists, removes the key and associated value. Else, no effect. |
m.containsKey(key) |
m.find(key) != m.end() |
O(log N) | Returns true if key exists in m. |
Map Example: Dictionary
ifstream file; promptUserForFile(file, "Where is your dictionary?"); Map<string, string> dictionary; string word; while (getline(file, word)) { string definition; getline(file, definition); dictionary[word] = definition; } while (true) { string query = getLine("Word to look up?"); if (dictionary.containsKey(query)) { cout << "The definition is " << dictionary[query] << endl; } else { cout << "I don't know that word!" << endl; } }Question: what if the user was also interested in the list of words for a given meaning? One option is to loop over maps; another option is to maintain a reverse map; we will look at both options one by one.
Looping over Maps
Map<string, int> phonebook; phonebook["Director"] = 12345678; phonebook["Dean"] = 98765432; ... //prints in alphabetical order for (string name : phonebook) { int phoneNumber = phonebook[name]; cout << "I’m going to call " << name; cout << " at " << phoneNumber << endl; }For C++ STL, the for-each loop iterates using key-value; access key using .first, access value using .second. example:
Map<string, int> phonebook; phonebook["Director"] = 12345678; phonebook["Dean"] = 98765432; ... //prints in alphabetical order for (pair<string, int> name_phone : phonebook) { string name = name_phone.first; int phoneNumber = name_phone.second; cout << "I’m going to call " << name; cout << " at " << phoneNumber << endl; }
Input in.txt
to be or not to be hello world the world is not enough i think therefore i am
am: 1 be: 2 enough: 1 hello: 1 i: 2 is: 1 not: 2 or: 1 the: 1 therefore: 1 think: 1 to: 2 world: 2
int main()
ifstream infile("in.txt");
string word;
Map<string, int> wc;
while (infile >> word) {
if (!wc.containsKey(word)) {
wc[word] = 0;
for (string w : wc) {
cout << w << ": " << wc[w] << endl;
Input in.txt
to be or not to be hello world the world is not enough i think therefore i am
be: 2 i: 2 not: 2 to: 2 world: 2 am: 1 enough: 1 hello: 1 is: 1 or: 1 the: 1 therefore: 1 think: 1
Need to devise a solution where the frequency is the key. One solution: after constructing wc
, create another map where the frequency is the key. But now, multiple words can have the same frequency, so what should be the value of this map? e.g., set<string>
Map<int, Set<string>>Could you use a
instead of Set
. How about using a Queue or Stack?
int main() { ifstream infile("in.txt"); string word; Map<string, int> wc; while (infile >> word) { if (!wc.containsKey(word)) { wc[word] = 0; } wc[word]++; } Map<int, set<string>> wc_sorted; for (string w : wc) { int wfreq = wc[w]; if (!wc_sorted.containsKey(wfreq)) { wc_sorted[wfreq] = Set<string>(); } wc_sorted[wfreq].add(w); } for (int wfreq : wc_sorted) { Set<string> words = wc_sorted[wfreq]; for (string word : words) { cout << word << ": " << wfreq << endl; } } }
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