
#include "grid.h"
//constructing a Grid
Grid<int> matrix(3, 4);
matrix[0][0] = 75;
//constructing a Grid
Grid<int> matrix = {
  {75, 61, 83, 71},
  {94, 89, 98, 100},
  {63, 54, 51, 49},
Pictorially, the matrix looks like:
row/col  0   1   2   3
 0      75  61  83  71
 1      94  89  98 100
 2      63  54  51  49

Grid members

Member function name Description
Grid<type> name(r, c); or Grid<type> name; create grid with given number of rows/columns; empty 0x0 grid if omitted.
g[r][c] or g.get(r, c) returns value at given row/col.
g.fill(value) set every cell to store the given value.
g.inBounds(r, c) returns true if given position is in the grid.
g.numCols() or g.width() returns number of columns.
g.numRows() or g.height() returns number of rows.
g.resize(nRows, nCols) resizes grid to new size, discarding old contents.
g[r][c] = value or g.set(r, c, value) stores value at given row/col.
g.toString() returns a string representation of the grid such as "{{1, 3}, {-8, 2}, {-3, -4}, {4, 7}}".
cout << g prints, e.g., "{{1, 3}, {-8, 2}, {-3, -4}, {4, 7}}".

Looping over a grid

Show an example grid and show the difference between row-major and column-major orders.

Grid as a parameter

When a grid is passed by value, C++ makes a copy of its contents. Copying is slow, you should pass by reference with &. If the code won't modify the grid, also pass it as const.

Which one is best?

  1. int computeSum(Grid<int> g) { ...}
  2. int computeSum(Grid<int> &g) { ...}
  3. int computeSum(const Grid<int> g) { ...}
  4. int computeSum(const Grid<int> &g) { ...} : Best

Which one is best?

  1. int invert(Grid<double> g) { ...} : will not work
  2. int invert(Grid<double> &g) { ...} : Best
  3. int invert(const Grid<double> g) { ...} : will not work
  4. int invert(const Grid<double> &g) { ...} : will not work

Exercise: Write a function knightCanMove that accepts a grid and two row/column pairs (r1, c1), (r2, c2) as parameters, and returns true if there is a knight at chess board square (r1, c1) that can legally move to empty square (r2, c2).

bool knightCanMove(Grid<string> const &board, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)
  if (!board.inBounds(r1, c1) || !board.inBounds(r2, c2)) { 
    return false; 
  if (board[r1][c1] != "knight" || board[r2][c2] != "") { 
    return false; 
  int dr = abs(r1 - r2); 
  int dc = abs(c1 - c2); 
  if (!((dr == 1 && dc == 2) || (dr == 2 && dc == 1))) { 
    return false; 
  return true; 
Another solution:
bool knightCanMove(Grid& board, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) { 
    int dr = abs(r1 - r2), dc = abs(c1 - c2); 
    return board.inBounds(r1, c1) && board.inBounds(r2, c2) 
            && board[r1][c1] == "knight" && board[r2][c2] == "" 
            && ((dr == 1 && dc == 2) || (dr == 2 && dc == 1)); 

Grids as return values

Write two versions of addFive() method that adds 5 to each element of the grid: in the first version, the input grid itself is modified; in the second version, a new output grid is returned as a return value.

String Streams

An istringstream lets you "tokenize" a string.
istringstream input("abc def 123 456");
string first, last, phone;
int age;
input >> first >> last; //first = "abc", last = "def", removes whitespace
input >> phone;  //phone = "123"
input >> age;  //age = 123

Another example: read all tokens from a string

istringstream input2("abc def 123 456 hello world");
string word;
while (input2 >> word) {
  cout << word << endl; //abc\ndef\n123\n456\n...
String streams are similar to I/O streams. e.g., cin>>word behaves similarly to input2>>word. The difference is that in the first case the input is read from the console (e.g., keyboard); in the second case the input is read from a string (stringstream).

An ostringstream lets you write output into a string buffer. Use the str member function to extract the string that was built.

int age = 42, iq = 95;
ostringstream output;
output << "abc's age is " << age << endl;
output << " and his IQ is " << iq << "!" << endl;
string result = output.str(); //this construct allowed us to convert integers and newline characters into strings. result = "abc's age is 42\nand his IQ is 95!\n"

Some subtle things about input streams, e.g., cin

Can use the getline function (notice small l) for getting a line of input from the console input stream.
cout << "What is your name? ";
string name;
getline(cin, name); //breaks on newline characters
cout << "Hi " << name << endl;

But, do not mix >> and getline on the same input stream! Not recommended and will give unexpected results.

cout << "How old are you? "; 
int age; 
cin >> age;  //user input: 17\n
cout << "And what's your name? "; 
string name; 
getline(cin, name);  //user input: abc\n
cout << "Wow, " << name << " is " << age << "!" << endl; 
Output of the above program:
How old are you: 17
And what's your name: abc
Wow,  is 17!
Notice that the name was not read correctly because of mixing of >> and getline on the same input stream.

Advice for this course: always use Stanford getXxx methods to read from cin.

Exercise: write a function string_stats that prints statistics about the data in a string (passed an argument).

string s = "Hello I am really enjoying COL100.\nWhat a wonderful course this is.\nI am glad that I chose IIT Delhi\n\nI am sure this will help me in future\n";
For this string, the function should print the following output:
Line 1: 34 chars, 6 words
Line 2: 32 chars, 5 words
Line 3: 32 chars, 8 words
Line 4: 0 chars, 0 words
Line 5: 37 chars, 9 words
longest = 37 chars, average = 27.0 chars


/* Prints length/count statistics about data in the given file. */ 
void inputStats2(string filename) { 
    ifstream input;; 
    int lineCount = 0, longest = 0, totalChars = 0; 
    string line; 
    while (getline(input, line)) { 
        totalChars += line.length(); 
        if (longest < line.length()) {
          longest = line.length(); 
        int wordCount = countWords(line);   // on next slide 
        cout << "Line " << lineCount << ": " << line.length() 
             << " chars, " << wordCount << "words" << endl; 
    double average = (double) totalChars / lineCount; 
    cout << longest = " << longest 
         << ", average = " << average << endl; 
And here is the definition of countWords:
/* Returns the number of words in the given string. */ 
int countWords(string line) { 
    istringstream words(line); 
    int wordCount = 0; 
    string word; 
    while (words >> word) { 
    return wordCount; 