0. Make sure you have cmake installed (If it is not installed and it is your personal laptop, install using: sudo apt install cmake . For machines in CSC or LHC labs, ignore this step)
1. Download col100-without-qt.zip and extract it to place of your choice.
2. Right click and select open in terminal in the folder you have just extracted
3. Run build.sh by typing ./build.sh on the terminal. You need to do this only once on IITD Machines.
4. The stanford libaries will install in a while and successfull installation will print that libraries are installed.
0. Write your code as usual using gedit. You can use any libary of stanford now, i.e. you can do #include "simpio.h" in your code
1. Compile using compile <filename.cpp> instead of g++ <filename.cpp>
2. Run the program as ./a.out